Platform WebSockets API 2.11.0

This API serves Kallo's asynchronous, real-time experiences, primarily revolving around convos.


  • api.kallo.aiwssprod

    WebSockets endpoints for Kallo (see for more info)


  • PUB /ws/convos/{convoId}

    Accepts one of the following messages:

    • #0New Convo StepconvoNewStep

      A new step either (1) authored by the user, sent to the server, or (2) authored by an LLM or another user, sent by the server.



    • #1New Convo Step GroupconvoNewStepGroup

      A new step group authored by the user, sent to the server. The server will respond with steps only, and those step objects will include a server-generated group ID.



    • #2Delete Convo StepconvoStepDeletion

      A request to delete a step.



    • #3Add Step to GroupconvoStepGroupAddition

      A request to add a step a step group; if a group doesn't exist, then a group will be automatically created. This is possible because the payload asks for the primary step ID, not the group ID. If a group was created, then a step update message will be sent from the server to indicate the new group ID.



    • #4Regen Convo StepconvoStepRegen

      A request to regenerate ("regen") a step that has already either fully, successfully completed a run or has failed. A step regen is the equivalent of deleting and creating a new step, but where the new step will automatically retain the original (deleted) step's config.



    • #5Update Convo StepconvoStepUpdate

      A request to update any of the patchable properties of a step. See the payload schema for the properties that are supported. To leave a property unchanged, do not include it in the payload.



  • SUB /ws/convos/{convoId}

    Accepts one of the following messages:

    • #0Errorerror

      A description of an error encountered by the server



    • #1New Convo StepconvoNewStep

      A new step either (1) authored by the user, sent to the server, or (2) authored by an LLM or another user, sent by the server.



    • #2Convo StatusconvoStatus


    • #3Delete Convo StepconvoStepDeletion

      A request to delete a step.



    • #4Regen Convo StepconvoStepRegen

      A request to regenerate ("regen") a step that has already either fully, successfully completed a run or has failed. A step regen is the equivalent of deleting and creating a new step, but where the new step will automatically retain the original (deleted) step's config.



    • #5Update Convo StepconvoStepUpdate

      A request to update any of the patchable properties of a step. See the payload schema for the properties that are supported. To leave a property unchanged, do not include it in the payload.



    • #6Update ConvoconvoUpdate

      Sent by the server to indicate that properties of the convo have changed. Primarily used when a convo name is auto-generated.




  • #1New Convo StepconvoNewStep

    A new step either (1) authored by the user, sent to the server, or (2) authored by an LLM or another user, sent by the server.

  • #2New Convo Step GroupconvoNewStepGroup

    A new step group authored by the user, sent to the server. The server will respond with steps only, and those step objects will include a server-generated group ID.

  • #3Convo StatusconvoStatus
  • #4Delete Convo StepconvoStepDeletion

    A request to delete a step.

  • #5Add Step to GroupconvoStepGroupAddition

    A request to add a step a step group; if a group doesn't exist, then a group will be automatically created. This is possible because the payload asks for the primary step ID, not the group ID. If a group was created, then a step update message will be sent from the server to indicate the new group ID.

  • #6Regen Convo StepconvoStepRegen

    A request to regenerate ("regen") a step that has already either fully, successfully completed a run or has failed. A step regen is the equivalent of deleting and creating a new step, but where the new step will automatically retain the original (deleted) step's config.

  • #7Update Convo StepconvoStepUpdate

    A request to update any of the patchable properties of a step. See the payload schema for the properties that are supported. To leave a property unchanged, do not include it in the payload.

  • #8Update ConvoconvoUpdate

    Sent by the server to indicate that properties of the convo have changed. Primarily used when a convo name is auto-generated.

  • #9Errorerror

    A description of an error encountered by the server



  • object
    uid: convo
  • object
    uid: convoAnnotation
  • object
    uid: convoFile
  • object
    uid: convoStatus
  • object
    uid: convoUpdate
  • object
    uid: step
  • object
    uid: stepConfig
  • object
    uid: stepDeletion
  • object
    uid: stepGroup
  • object
    uid: stepGroupAddition
  • object
    uid: stepRegen

    May be used in a request to regen (regenerate) a step, whereby running a step takes place as if it had never taken place before. Mechanically, the original step (the one being regen) is deleted and a new step takes it place while retaining certain metadata from the original step, such as timestamp (which ensures the regen version of a step will not appear out of order in a convo)

  • object
    uid: stepUpdate

    May be used in a request to update any of the patchable properties of a step, or may be an update sent from the server to indicate a property has been updated