Support + FAQs

We are a small (but growing) team of developers focused on making AI experiences easy for you to add to your applications.

We succeed only if you succeed. We want to hear from you if you have thoughts or questions, or you'd just like us to brainstorm integration use cases with you!

Talk to Us

Shoot us a message at anytime. And if we hit it off, we'll connect via Slack!


Q. What languages do you support?

A. Our API is language agnostic. Our web components are built in JavaScript, so they work anywhere. We're planning to release dedicated Angular and React components in the near future.

Q. Do you have any SDKs?

A. Our first SDK will be for JavaScript/TypeScript, and it is currently in development. The convo web component is the first piece of it, and you can access that now.

Q. How do I pay for API access?

A. While you can generate an API key for your Kallo app account, you'll want to reach out to us to set up a plan that is suited for your use case and volume. We're very flexible. Shoot us a message! (Self-serve options are on the way, but the more we hear directly from developers before that, the better we can tailor our self-serve options.)

Q. Do I need to sign up for OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, etc. and provide you my keys?

A. No...not at all! Sign up once for Kallo and with that, you're covered for all the models we support.

Q. What if I want to use my keys from various AI providers?

A. Please reach out to us. This is on our radar, but we need to hear more from developers to figure out how to make this work for everyone, pricing- and feature-wise.

Q. Will you use/sell my customers' data in any way other than to serve my customers?

A. Absolutely not. We don't even give our engineers access to the prod database. We have strict safeguards in place to ensure data is kept private, and we'll only get those who have access to the database involved after being authorized to do so by the integrator.