
Endpoint Reference

If you're looking for the raw API specs to build a custom integration, refer to the documents listed below.

REST (https)All operations except real-time convo interactionsOpenAPI
WebSocket (wss)Real-time convo interactionsAsyncAPI


API spec documents follow SemVer versioning standards.


The API's endpoints are served over https and wss protocols. The host is the same for either protocol: https://api.kallo.ai.

Real-time communications necessary for Kallo's various convos applications are served over a Secure WebSocket (WSS) connection, while everything else is served over HTTPS.

Here is an incomplete list of the kinds of things served over the two protocols meant to illustrate where the line between protocols is drawn:

HTTPS (REST)WSS (Secure WebSocket)
Creating and managing usersConnecting to a convo
Managing org membershipSending messages in a convo
Managing teams, convos, topics, and promptsSending messages in a convo
Generating access tokensReceiving messages from other users
Uploading, managing, and deleting files ("sources") for augmenting AI knowledge
Generating source summaries
Managing team, convo, and topic users
Querying chat history ("steps") for a convo

Certain API operations specific only to the Kallo app are not exposed publicly because such operations would be of the type that would already be accounted for in an integrating application.